Watch the video with your mentee(s), then use the questions below to have a mentoring conversation with them.
- What did the young black men do that was unexpected?
- Why did they do it?
- What is the relationship between the older white woman and the black young men now?
- How does their relationship break down age and racial barriers?
- Would you do something like this? Why or why not?
- What could you do to break down an age or racial barrier?
- What could you do to bring joy and encouragement into the life of an older person?
- Why does our world need more of these acts of kindness?
- In the Bible, in James 1:27, it says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Who are the orphans and widows that you should look after?
- Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior?